1. 중등 영어 교과서 내용을 연계하여 지문 소재 및 난이도 구성
2. 다양한 소재들을 혼합하여 30개 지문 선정
3. 내신 및 학교 서술형 문제들로 단계별 구성
4. 지문별 대신 대비가 가능한 최다 문항 수록
5. 지문 MP3 파일 무료 다운로드 (english.sinsago.co.kr)
6. ‘지문 듣기’ 및 ‘어휘 학습’ 모바일웹 무료 서비스 (m.english.sinsago.co.kr)
[Unit 01] Reading 01 The Cookie Contest Reading 02 Useful Math Reading 03 Collecting Sneakers
[Unit 02] Reading 04 Dog Years Reading 05 The New Teacher Reading 06 Ramadan in Saudi Arabia
[Unit 03] Reading 07 Fossil Fuels Reading 08 Nuts Reading 09 Volunteering for the Homeless
[Unit 04] Reading 10 Big John Reading 11 Extreme Jobs Reading 12 Unlikely Friends
[Unit 05] Reading 13 Be a World Cup Volunteer Reading 14 The Spanish Siesta Reading 15 Boarding Schools
[Unit 06] Reading 16 Brush Before Breakfast Reading 17 A New Student Reading 18 Around and Around
[Unit 07] Reading 19 Gravity on Mars Reading 20 Potato Chips Reading 21 Everything Is Connected
[Unit 08] Reading 22 How to Protect Your Voice Reading 23 The Art of Negotiation Reading 24 Soccer
[Unit 09] Reading 25 The Eastside Spring Festival Reading 26 Upside Down Reading 27 My Favorite Lunch!
[Unit 10] Reading 28 Take the Lipstick off! Reading 29 Does He Sound Familiar? Reading 30 Gold Rush